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Kuppel Reichstagsgebäude

Democracy Support Fund

Quality education requires an open society

It takes more than politicians to strengthen democracy and defend it against those who would destroy it. Civil society plays a big role as well. Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, for example, has been supporting quality education since it was established. However, quality education can only exist in a free, open, pluralistic society. That’s why Deutsche Telekom Stiftung is involved in the Democracy Support Fund, which is backed by eight German foundations. Democratic initiatives throughout Germany can request funding from this institution. If selected, they can receive up to EUR 5,000 to carry out their projects.

In the first round of funding, the jury – comprising representatives of the participating foundations – selected a total of 37 exemplary projects last year. The submission deadline for the second round of funding ended on March 31, 2020. The jury will pick projects to fund at the end of May 2020.