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Modules of STEM education

In Germany it is rare for educational content to be coordinated between the different levels of education. As far as STEM subjects are concerned, there is a particular lack of concepts as to how certain topics can be communicated so that they build up on each other in a meaningful way.

In the MINTeinander foundation project, a team of experts made up of academics from the universities of Frankfurt/Main, Gießen, Kassel and Münster are developing teaching materials for daycare centers, elementary schools and secondary schools. They build up on each other like a spiral, thus producing a consistent style of teaching and learning that spans the different levels of education. Children in pre-elementary and elementary school, for example, acquire foundational skills that help them learn more advanced topics in higher grades.

Material on the topics magnetism as well as swim and sink has been distributed to around 75 carefully selected networks comprising approximately 400 schools and daycare centers. You can download all materials for free

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